gretl version 2017d-git Current session: 2017-09-07 07:56 ? open phillips_aus.gdt # poe-4 Read datafile C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\gretl\data\POE4\phillips_aus.gdt periodicity: 4, maxobs: 91 observations range: 1987:1 to 2009:3 Listing 3 variables: 0) const 1) inf 2) u ? function void trytry(series y, list xlist[null]) > arma 1 1; y xlist > arma 1 1; y xlist > end function ? list x = 0 diff(u) Generated list x ? trytry(inf,x) Function evaluations: 132 Evaluations of gradient: 22 ARMAX, using observations 1987:2-2009:3 (T = 90) Estimated using Kalman filter (exact ML) Dependent variable: y Standard errors based on Hessian coefficient std. error z p-value -------------------------------------------------------- const 0.715975 0.233031 3.072 0.0021 *** phi_1 0.903959 0.0674654 13.40 6.14e-041 *** theta_1 −0.548921 0.123771 −4.435 9.21e-06 *** d_u −0.820599 0.231340 −3.547 0.0004 *** Mean dependent var 0.791111 S.D. dependent var 0.636819 Mean of innovations 0.010436 S.D. of innovations 0.484094 Log-likelihood −62.75480 Akaike criterion 135.5096 Schwarz criterion 148.0086 Hannan-Quinn 140.5499 Real Imaginary Modulus Frequency ----------------------------------------------------------- AR Root 1 1.1062 0.0000 1.1062 0.0000 MA Root 1 1.8218 0.0000 1.8218 0.0000 ----------------------------------------------------------- Function evaluations: 108 Evaluations of gradient: 22 ARMAX, using observations 1987:2-2009:3 (T = 90) Estimated using Kalman filter (exact ML) Dependent variable: y Standard errors based on Hessian coefficient std. error z p-value -------------------------------------------------------- const 0.872373 0.224883 3.879 0.0001 *** phi_1 0.912143 0.0610349 14.94 1.69e-050 *** theta_1 −0.600730 0.112533 −5.338 9.39e-08 *** d_u −0.772800 0.226656 −3.410 0.0007 *** Mean dependent var 0.791111 S.D. dependent var 0.636819 Mean of innovations −0.026602 S.D. of innovations 0.483563 Log-likelihood −62.63453 Akaike criterion 135.2691 Schwarz criterion 147.7681 Hannan-Quinn 140.3094 Real Imaginary Modulus Frequency ----------------------------------------------------------- AR Root 1 1.0963 0.0000 1.0963 0.0000 MA Root 1 1.6646 0.0000 1.6646 0.0000 ----------------------------------------------------------- ? include lagreg.gfn C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Roaming\gretl\functions\lagreg\lagreg.gfn lagreg 0.61, 2017-02-13 (Oleh Komashko (code by Allin Cottrell used)) ? auto_arma(inf,x) Best aic model: SARMAX(1,1;0,0) Test for autocorrelation up to order 4 Ljung-Box Q' = 0.727663, with p-value = P(Chi-square(2) > 0.727663) = 0.6950 Best bic model: SARMAX(1,1;0,0) Test for autocorrelation up to order 4 Ljung-Box Q' = 0.733717, with p-value = P(Chi-square(2) > 0.733717) = 0.6929 Best hqc model: SARMAX(1,1;0,0) Best aicc model: SARMAX(1,1;0,0) ? auto_arma(inf,x,2,0) Best aic model: ARMAX(1,1) Test for autocorrelation up to order 4 Ljung-Box Q' = 0.733572, with p-value = P(Chi-square(2) > 0.733572) = 0.6930 Best bic model: ARMAX(1,1) Best hqc model: ARMAX(1,1) Best hqc model: ARMAX(1,1) # 2017b-git 2017-04-24