Am 25.02.2014 08:55, schrieb Sven Schreiber:Hello everybody who's interested in (the success of) the conference, so this is the first round of polling, for finding an exact date. It seems to be clear that it's going to be in June (2015 of course). Please come forward with information and suggestions...Hi, so far I haven't gotten much feedback, which I'm interpreting as "no problems with any dates in June 2015". Ok. However, what about the days of the week? Should we target a weekend or rather the opposite, the middle of the week (because after all it will be a work meeting)? thank you for your thoughts on this, Sven
Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza Zuzendaria/Director 94 6013732 |
ERNE! Baliteke mezu honen
zatiren bat edo mezu osoa legez babestuta egotea. Mezuak
badu bere hartzailea. Okerreko helbidera heldu bada
(helbidea gaizki idatzi, transmisioak huts egin) eman
abisu igorleari, korreo honi erantzunda. Kontuz! Mezua ez
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