Dear Gretl Team,

Recently I convinced my organization (the largest Brazilian bank) to replace EViews by Gretl. Now they are in a transition process and are feeling a little bit lost. In the most of time I can help them, but a new question arose and I can't do nothing.

The question is related with appending and updating data. I know that is possible to do this using the menu option "File -> Append data", but this is not as intuitive as opening the Gretl's built-in spreadsheet to change the values (at least, it is not intuitive for my colleagues). It's important to keep in mind that they are from "EViews & Windows Land" and aren't familiar to any script language.

So I would like to request you to allow multiple selection on
Gretl's built-in spreadsheet in order to copy, cut, and paste data just like Gnumeric, Excel, and others do. Is this possible?

Best regards,

Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul