Dear devs,


I frequently encounter problems in pasting text into the gretl script window. It happens that the text from the clipboard cannot be pasted. I am using the clipboarder tool, which allows to have a long history of snippets in the clipboard and switch through them fast, but this problem seems not to be related to this problem. In specific, if I copy text from any application (like this outlook window I am currently writing in) I do not encounter any problems even moving back and forth in this history. Except, if there happens to be a snippet from a gretl script itself, sometimes. If I paste this snippet, it simply seems not to work. If I paste it in some other non gretl text-window and copy it again, I can paste it to gretl. This makes me think it could have to do something with how the text is formatted (but what I cannot see).  Anyway, I cannot pin down this problem any further. I do not have this problem with no other application, why it seems to be gretl specific.


I use the current snapshot of gretl on windows, but I had this problem as long as I remember using gretl…


