Am 12.10.2018 um 08:48 schrieb Sven Schreiber:
I propose the following updates / changes, and wanted to mention them here first:

Here's a little update to the planned changes to have them all in one place (also for myself):

0) sepstr2arr: I almost forgot this one, it is going to be removed because the built-in strsplit function has been extended to also (optionally) split on non-whitespace. I'm going to write a message to the users list about this one.

1) Add the 'powerset' function as discussed ...

2) There's a little bug in the 'commute' function ... clarify the help text and add an input error check to the function.

3) Want to add an 'eliminate' function

Now in a variant which treats several columns in one go, see this thread.

4) Add a remark to the help text that (pre-)multiplication with the duplication matrix is as simple as doing:
Actually do more: introduce a 'duplicate' function that also treats several columns.
