many statistical functions and elements extraction are
very different for data in the both forms
Several examples
list lis = ...
sum(lis) is essentially the same as sumr({lis})
but sum({lis}) is different
In the opposite direction:
analogue of sumc({lis}) is aggregate(lis,const,"sum")[3:]
In the contrast to sum() it is not allowed for a matrix
Again, mean(lis) corresponds to meanc({lis})
Overall mean for a matrix of general shape is meanc(vec(a_matrix))
The behavior of min and max is similar to that of mean
Overall median for a matrix is quantile(vec(a_matrix),0.5)
In my opinion, it would be much transparent
if sum() mean(), etc were overall sums and means
and sumc(), sumr() etc were defined both for lists and matrices
these functions could have additional boolean/integer parameter
indicating how to treat missing values