This might be more of a user question than development, but .... 

When I use a list in the mle function I'm getting an error.  Here is the setup:

Here is a simple script to estimate Harvey's multiplicative het model from Greene

open "@gretldir\data\greene\greene14_1.gdt"
logs C Q PF
series l_Q_sq = l_Q^2
list z = const LF
list x = const l_Q l_Q_sq l_PF
list y = l_C   # or series y  = l_C

# start values
ols y x --robust
series lehat=ln($uhat^2)
matrix beta = $coeff
scalar n = $nobs

ols lehat z
matrix gam = $coeff

# MLE 

mle loglik = -n/2 * ln(pi) - (.5)*zg - (.5)*(e^2/exp(zg))
    series zg = lincomb(z, gam)
    series e = y - lincomb(x, beta)
    params beta gam
    end mle

This routine works, but only if y is defined as a series and not a list (line 6). Why?    

I'm using gretl 1.9.7 on Windows, btw.

Lee Adkins
Professor of Economics