function matrix armax (int ar_order[0::1] "max. AR p", int ma_order[0::0] "max. MA q", series y "Dependent variable", list xlist[null] "Exogenous variable list", bool cons[1] "Include a constant", int method[1:2:1] "Method" {"exact ML", "conditional ML"}, bool showBestModel[0] "show Best model based on Info. Criterion below", int crit[1:3:1] "Info. Criterion" {"AIC", "BIC", "HQC"}, bool quiet[0] "Quiet") # set upper limit lags maxp=ar_order maxq=ma_order # genseries(argname(y), y) # estimation method: exact ML is the default in gretl if method=2 string eMethod =" --conditional" else string eMethod ="" endif if cons string sCons = "" list tlist = 0 list xlist = xlist || tlist else string sCons = " --nc" endif scalar order_aic=0 scalar order_sc=0 scalar order_hq=0 # --- define decimals in output nwidth=12 ndecimal=4 # declare a Matrix to store information criteria matrix tab1 = zeros((maxp+1)*(maxq+1),5) colnames(tab1,"p q AIC BIC HQC") # loop through every combination of arma lags nrow = 1 loop p=0..maxp -q ## for q=0 to maxq loop q = 0..maxq -q # estimate model if nelem(xlist)=0 if p=0 && q=0 catch arima p q ; y -q @eMethod err=$error if err printf "armax: Got error %d (%s) while p=%d,q=%d\n", err, errmsg(err),p,q else printf "armax: successfully-1:p=%d,q=%d\n",p,q endif else catch arima p q ; y -q @eMethod @sCons err=$error if err printf "armax: Got error %d (%s) while p=%d,q=%d\n", err, errmsg(err),p,q else # printf "armax: successfully-1:p=%d,q=%d\n",p,q endif endif else catch arima p q ; y xlist -q @eMethod @sCons err=$error if err printf "armax: Got error %d (%s) while p=%d,q=%d\n", err, errmsg(err),p,q endif endif tab1[nrow,1] = p tab1[nrow,2] = q if err>0 tab1[nrow,3] = 99999.9999 tab1[nrow,4] = 99999.9999 tab1[nrow,5] = 99999.9999 else tab1[nrow,3] = $aic tab1[nrow,4] = $bic tab1[nrow,5] = $hqc # test for mininum noise model if nrow=1 min_aic = $aic min_sc = $bic min_hq = $hqc order_aic = nrow order_sc = nrow order_hq = nrow else if $aic < min_aic min_aic = $aic order_aic = nrow endif if $bic < min_sc min_sc = $bic order_sc = nrow endif if $hqc < min_hq min_hq = $hqc order_hq = nrow endif endif endif nrow = nrow+1 endloop endloop # --- remember the best model scalar naic=order_aic scalar nbic=order_sc scalar nhqc=order_hq if !quiet printf "===============================================\n" printf " Information Criteria of ARMAX(p,q) for %s\n",argname(y) printf "-----------------------------------------------\n" printf " p, q %*s %*s %*s\n",nwidth,"AIC",nwidth+1,"BIC",nwidth+1,"HQC" printf "-----------------------------------------------\n" nrow=1 loop p=0..maxp -q loop q=0..maxq -q if nrow==naic string star_aic="*" else string star_aic="" endif if nrow=nbic string star_bic="*" else string star_bic="" endif if nrow=nhqc string star_hqc="*" else string star_hqc="" endif printf "%2d,%2d %*.*f%1s %*.*f%1s %*.*f%1s\n",p,q,nwidth,ndecimal,tab1[nrow,3],star_aic, nwidth,ndecimal,tab1[nrow,4],star_bic, nwidth,ndecimal,tab1[nrow,5],star_hqc nrow = nrow + 1 endloop endloop printf "===============================================\n" printf "* indicates best models.\n" printf "'9999.9999' suggests failures to estimate the models.\n" # printf "%10.4f\n",tab1 if showBestModel scalar aic_p=tab1[naic,1] scalar aic_q=tab1[naic,2] scalar bic_p=tab1[nbic,1] scalar bic_q=tab1[nbic,2] scalar hqc_p=tab1[nhqc,1] scalar hqc_q=tab1[nhqc,2] if crit=1 best_p = aic_p best_q = aic_q elif crit=2 best_p = bic_p best_q = bic_q elif crit=3 best_p = hqc_p best_q = hqc_q endif # show the best model output if best_p==0 && best_q==0 arima best_p best_q ; y xlist @eMethod else arima best_p best_q ; y xlist @eMethod @sCons endif endif endif return tab1 end function