# the gretl workdir must be set correctly for this nulldata 100 setobs 12 1999:1 --time-series if $windows string pathsep = "\" else string pathsep = "/" endif string vname = "INDPRO" string fpath = "@workdir" ~pathsep~ "INDPRO_processed_testing.csv" ### Get the vintage which is current at the specified date: string strvin = "2010-06-24" string strvin = strsub(strvin,"-","") # get INDPRO join @fpath INDPRO --tkey=observation_date --time="%Y-%m-%d" \ --filter="realtime_end_date >= @strvin" \ --aggr="seq:1" # and also get the corresponding start dates to verify join @fpath startdates --tkey=observation_date --time="%Y-%m-%d" \ --data=realtime_start_date --filter="realtime_end_date >= @strvin" \ --aggr="seq:1" print -o