I see your point about including comand line programs. I will have a look at the Yahoo package. 

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-------- Original message --------
From: Allin Cottrell
Date:04/21/2014 4:24 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Gretl development
Subject: Re: [Gretl-devel] New function for retrieving data from BLS

On Mon, 21 Apr 2014, Logan Kelly wrote:

> I have written a function in C# that retrieves data from the BLS API. I
> can integrate this into gretl using a call to a shell command, i.e.
> $(...). But I would like to develop, and make available to the gretl
> community, a getBLS function. Could someone give me some pointers for a
> better integration of the API call and the gretl script? Or can a
> command line program be include in a function package? Also, is this a
> function anyone would use?  If so, I might also think about a getFRED
> function too?

Jack Lucchetti's "yahoo_get" function package (or the server) would be a
good place to look first for an example of accessing a website and
downloading data via hansl.

Off the bat, I don't think it would work to include a command line program
in a function package. For one thing, how would it be included in an XML
file? For another, function packages are intended to be cross-platform and
only dependent on gretl itself (though I guess we could make an exception
for a dependency on third party programs that are themselves available in
gretl-friendly forms for all platforms, such as X13as.)

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