I thought it would be nice if more object types than series and matrix could be re-used in a python foreign block. So I'm attaching a first attempt at a python function (gretl_bdlimport) which takes an XML text file representing a gretl bundle (as written by gretl's bwrite), and copies (some of) its contents to a python dictionary, with the same keys as in the original bundle.
So far only the following data types are handled and copied, but this could be extended:
- scalar (taken as generic float, post-process if you want an
explicit integer)
- string
- strings (array, put into a python list of strings)
This will only work under Python3, and requires xml.etree.ElementTree, where I'm not sure what the min version for that is.
My proposal is to put this into gretl's gretl_io.py eventually.
Comments and testing welcome,