Dear all,
script below illustrates the problem
nulldata 100
setobs 4 1994:1 --time-series
set seed 13
include arima_sim.gfn
series y = seas_cum(normal())

# case 1

arima 0 0 0; 0 1 0; y --nc
eval $ess
eval $T
eval mean($uhat)
eval {$uhat}'{$uhat}
eval {$uhat}'{$uhat} - $ess
eval max(abs(sdiff(x) - $uhat))
eval max(abs(x - $yhat - $uhat))
yhat1 = $yhat
uhat1 = $uhat
gnuplot y yhat1 --time-series --with-lines --single-yaxis --output=display
## here evething looks as it should be

# case 2
arima 0 0 0; 0 1 0; y --nc --x-12-arima
eval $ess
eval $T
eval mean($uhat)
eval {$uhat}'{$uhat}
eval {$uhat}'{$uhat} - $ess
eval max(abs(sdiff(x) - $uhat))
eval max(abs(x - $yhat - $uhat))
yhat2 = $yhat
uhat2 = $uhat

gnuplot y yhat2 --time-series --with-lines --single-yaxis --output=display
## but not here