Dear Allin,

I think the icon view is looking great now!

Henrique Andrade

Em seg, jun 14, 2021 em 10:03 AM, Henrique Andrade <> escreveu:
Em dom, jun 13, 2021, Allin Cottrell escreveu:
On Sun, 13 Jun 2021, Allin Cottrell wrote:
On Sun, 13 Jun 2021, Henrique Andrade wrote:
Dear gretl team, What do you think about increasing the number of lines of the text legend inside the gretl icon view? Please take a look at the attached pdf file. It shows that besides the space is sufficient for the English locale, it is not for some other locales.
Fair point. I think I'd favor allowing the icon view window to be wider, and not truncating the strings for the icons, rather than splitting the strings over more than one line. Does that sound OK?
Ah, I tried that and it's not good: if I allow full-length strings for all languages the icon view becomes too wide and sparse, and looks stupid. This is actually quite complicated; more thought needed.
One simple suggestion: Keep the icon view window the same size we have now and reduce the number of columns from 4 to 3 by default? This would give more space between icons and will allow more lengthy text. Best, Henrique Andrade