If you were to pick one, I think it should be under panel estimators since otherwise it will (or should) be greyed out if you do not have a panel data set declared. 

My choice would be to see it both places in the GUI since its purpose is to make the program easier to use.  Some will look for it in binary others in panel.  Where it lies within the file structure of the underlying program should not drive where it shows up in the GUI which is meant for a different type of user. 

Sadly, many will use anything for which there is a button.  There is bound to be misuse of anything statistical as all of us can attest. 


On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 7:15 PM, Allin Cottrell <cottrell@wfu.edu> wrote:
On Mon, 3 Jun 2013, Sven Schreiber wrote:

> Am 03.06.2013 18:03, schrieb Allin Cottrell:
>> We're getting ready to unveil a new built-in estimator, namely
>> random effects probit (you use "probit" command with the
>> --random-effects option). A question arises: where should this
>> go under the /Model menu in the main gretl window?
>> It could go under Panel, or Limited dependent variable (or
>> possibly both, though that may not be a very happy precedent).
> I think this option could be worth exploring... Of course we do not want
> to clutter the menus too much, but OTOH, if it logically fits under
> both, then any single place will involve arbitrariness. So what are the
> downsides in the sense of: would that precedent mean that suddenly a
> bunch of other menu entries would logically have to be multiplied? Or is
> it really an isolated case (so far)?

I believe it's an isolated case so far. The possible downside I see
(leaving aside the question of precedence) is that users might
wonder if the two menu entries did the same thing, given that the
default presumption is (I would suppose) one item on a given menu
per command-line possibility.

Gretl-devel mailing list

Lee Adkins
Professor of Economics
