Dear Allin,

I think I need to change my question (I wrote one thing while thinking
about something else, sorry).

> On Sat, 20 Feb 2010, Henrique Andrade wrote:
> I would like to suggest the inclusion of the options "--sheet=",
> "--rowoffset=", and "coloffset=" in the GUI. What do you think?

As you sad, "the choice of column and row (under "Start import
at" in the GUI dialog) play exactly the same role as --coloffset
and --rowoffset in CLI mode."

But what I'm suggesting is:

I would like to suggest the improvement of the options "--rowoffset=",
and "coloffset=" in the GUI and CLI, in order to allow the selection of
specific rows and columns. Let's suppose we want to open only
the first and third row of the table. How could you do that using the
options"--rowoffset=", and "coloffset="?

Best regards,

2010/2/21 Allin Cottrell <>

On Sun, 21 Feb 2010, Henrique Andrade wrote:

> Em 20 de fevereiro de 2010 Allin escreveu:
> On Sat, 20 Feb 2010, Henrique Andrade wrote:
> >
> > > I would like to suggest the inclusion of the options "--sheet=",
> > > "--rowoffset=", and "coloffset=" in the GUI. What do you think?
> >
> > They are in the GUI, aren't they? That is, the dialog where you
> > choose a sheet (if the file contains multiple sheets) and
> > row/column offsets.
> Dear Allin, I'm sorry for my poor explanation. What I meant to say
> was to include the options for choosing a specific row or column.

As I understand it, the choice of column and row (under "Start
import at" in the GUI dialog) play exactly the same role as
--coloffset and --rowoffset in CLI mode. In fact, those two
command options were added just so you could do in CLI mode what
you could already do in GUI mode.

Am I missing something?
