Hi Allin,

thank your for this helpful feature!
Just as a side question. At the moment it seems not possible to access the break date; at least I haven't found a way to do so. If I am right, would it be possible to implement an accessor for this? Maybe by using the bundle-type syntax ($["garch_LR"])?


2013/1/2 Allin Cottrell <cottrell@wfu.edu>
Something people might like to test: in CVS I've added Bruce
Hansen's asymptotic p-values for the "qlrtest" command, and also
configured it so that if the original model was estimated with the
--robust flag, the sup-Wald test uses the robust variance matrix.

As for the issue I mentioned a week ago (the dating of the "break"),
I notice that Hansen defines it the same way gretl does (the break
period being the first period of the "new regime") so I'm not going
to change that at present.

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