Dear Gretl Team,

Today I'd tried to use the "append" command to add a new series to my
session. The series start at 2008/06/04 and end at 2010/10/19. They are
the same, with the exception that the second one, called "ìncompleto",
does not have the observations from July 2008 (more exactly, from
01/07/2008 to 31/07/2008).

Please take a look at the following commads:

open completo.gdt
append incompleto.gdt

The sequence above gives me a very odd result. Originally, both the series
end in 2010/10/19, but after the "append" command, the series "incompleto"
is ending at a different date: 2010/09/16.

I hope I was clear enough. Sometimes English language is hard for me :-(.

Best regards,
Henrique C. de Andrade
Doutorando em Economia Aplicada
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul