Hi, consider this fairly minimal code example:


open denmark
loop i = $tmax..$tmax + 9
    catch value = LRM[i]  
    eval $error     # This line necessary to provoke the problem!


What I'm getting on gretl 2022c is that in the first loop iteration it works as expected, namely that catch isn't necessary (since LRM[$tmax] gives the last available obs) and the error value is zero.  Directly afterwards for i==$tmax+1 gretl says "index value 56 out of bounds". This is correct, but that's exactly what 'catch' should, well, catch.

Notice that when the $error value isn't accessed, then gretl does _not_ complain!

But that's not all - what follows is a more complex example without a direct $error access, where the simple loop construct works, but an equivalent while-loop does not work:


open denmark

loop i = $tmax..$tmax + 9
    catch value = LRM[i]    # works

print "got here?"

index = $tmax
loop while index < $tmax + 10
    catch value = LRM[index]  # fails


Could this have to do with the recent "more-compilation" internal gretl business, or did that not make it into gretl 2022c?

