Do you mean something like:

# Replace NANs in matrix by zeros
M = isnan(M) ? 0 : M

# Replace zeros in matrix OUT by 999
M = OUT ? OUT : 999

# Check for conditions and replace zero by 1 if the condition v .< x is met (x and v are both matrices)
mtmp = {}
mtmp = (v .< x)


On 25.11.2014 21:13, Logan Kelly wrote:



I need a function the tests if variable is in an array (sorry for the poor wording of this sentence). What I mean by this is a function that compares each element of an array to a variable and returns 0 if no elements of the array are equal and the position in the array of the first instance of equality. So here are my question:


1.  Dose such a function exist? (I haven’t found one, but I thought I should ask)


2. If not, coding it up is no problem, but I need a way to check the data type of variable. Is there such a command?


3. Is there a way, other than using a bundle, to pass a variable of unknown data type to a function?





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