Hi Allin,

The only graphs working are Normal and t.

(they use set xrange, the rest use set trange)

There is a problem with the range value (max float?).
I edited the trange to a smaller values and the graphs are OK.
Can you reproduce this?

gnuplot: using pngcairo driver
range_from_dist: got -4.5:4.5
get_png_bounds_info(): OK
range_from_dist: got -4.5:4.5
get_png_bounds_info(): OK
range_from_dist: got 0:1.79769e+308
stderr: '
set trange [0:1.79769e+308]
"/home/helio/.gretl/gpttmp.AyreOE", line 16: undefined value

gretl_errmsg: '
set trange [0:1.79769e+308]
"/home/helio/.gretl/gpttmp.AyreOE", line 16: undefined value

Failed command: 'gnuplot "/home/helio/.gretl/gpttmp.AyreOE"'
