No worries here, Allin.  As I say, I've been tilting at windmills ever since I got up this morning; even my coffee didn't taste as good as it normally does.  Now that I have it out of my system, I'm happy to completely concede. And besides, model is shorter and gets extra points for parsimony.... 


On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 4:14 PM, Allin Cottrell <> wrote:
On Tue, 13 Oct 2015, Lee Adkins wrote:

I can see I'm not getting much love on this one!  :)  It's ok though.
[ then lots of perfectly correct things said ]

Lee, your points are well taken and you deserve love ;-)

It's just that when deciding the word to put at the top of the menu I don't think your points settle the matter. I'll think about it some more and reply substantively if I reckon I have anything worthwhile to say.

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Lee Adkins
Professor of Economics and Department Head
Economics and Legal Studies in Business
Oklahoma State University

Fax: 405-744-5180
Phone: 405-744-5196