Em 21 de fevereiro de 2010/2/21 Allin <cottrell@wfu.edu> escreveu:
On Sun, 21 Feb 2010, Henrique Andrade wrote:

> I would like to suggest the improvement of the options
> "--rowoffset=", and "coloffset=" in the GUI and CLI, in order to
> allow the selection of specific rows and columns. Let's suppose
> we want to open only the first and third row of the table. How
> could you do that using the options"--rowoffset=", and
> "coloffset="?

Not possible via --rowoffset plus --coloffset, and not possible
via the GUI either. But personally I don't think this is
worthwhile. It is difficult enough to parse spreadsheet files
without adding this extra complexity.

Ok, like I said, it was just a suggestion.

"In principle", gretl could save you a few clicks by offering to
import specific rows and/or columns, but the saving of a few
clicks would come at the cost of very substantial coding effort.

Sorry, but I didn't know this was a difficult task. I know you'd
spent a lot of time working in improvements that are really
important to Gretl. Thanks a lot for this!
Offer me lots of money and I _might_ be interested, otherwise I'm
afraid not ;-)

If one day I win the lottery (called "Mega Sena" here in Brazil) I
promisse I will help the creation of the Gretl Foundation! :D
