Dear all,

I am running gretl under Windows XP and am repeatedly experiencing difficulties when letting gretl perform a panel diagnostics (following a pooled OLS). In fact, gretl freezes with most data sets, a.o. some from Wooldridge's "Introductory Econometrics".

The script I use to perform the panel diagnostic is as follows (example is the data set wagepan.gdt from Wooldridge): 

open wagepan.gdt
setobs 8 1:1 --stacked-cross-section
model1 <- pooled 19 0 17 3 5 4 27 7 18
model2 <- hausman

I would like to know whether any other gretl user has already experienced the same problem, or whether it is just my fault - which I would be happy to admit.

Best wishes,