On Sun, 1 Dec 2013, Allin Cottrell wrote:Ah, maybe you don't have to do that. You will get wrong results from the
> On Sun, 1 Dec 2013, Qi Shi wrote:
>> when I replicate Example 11.3 of Wooldridge's advance book(the second
>> edition), i encounter a problem. To run the pooled OLS, I write
>> open airfare.dta
>> genr lfare_1=lfare(-1)
>> diff lare lfare_1 concen
>> ols d_lfare d_lfare_1 d_concen
>> then, I get the outputs, which is different from the results of the Book.
> Please post the results shown by Wooldridge, in as much detail as possible. I
> don't have his book to hand at present.
above becaause you did not define the dataset as a panel before doing
first-differencing. You need
open airfare.dta
setobs id year --panel-vars
Then you get:
Model 1: Pooled OLS, using 2298 observations
Included 1149 cross-sectional units
Time-series length = 2
Dependent variable: d_lfare
const 0.0391942 0.00252693 15.51 1.12e-51 ***
coefficient std. error t-ratio p-value
d_lfare_1 -0.134426 0.0189432 -7.096 1.70e-12 ***
d_concen 0.105206 0.0344988 3.050 0.0023 ***
Mean dependent var 0.035789 S.D. dependent var 0.120723
Sum squared resid 32.57246 S.E. of regression 0.119134
R-squared 0.027014 Adjusted R-squared 0.026166
F(2, 2295) 31.85930 P-value(F) 2.25e-14
Log-likelihood 1629.799 Akaike criterion -3253.599
Schwarz criterion -3236.379 Hannan-Quinn -3247.320
Does this agree with Wooldridge?
Allin Cottrell
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