Em 5 de novembro de 2005, Allin escreveu:


I won't go into all the specifics -- although I think you're right -- but rather I'll address the general issue here.

We could really do with some editoral control over the function packages. Up till now we have been totally "laissez faire", but if the packages on the server are supposed to be a showcase for adding to gretl's built-in functionality they need to be pruned and consolidated. I wonder if we could assemble a committee of 2 or 3 members to work on this.

I would like to be one of them. I really like to test that kind of stuff :-)
One other thought: some of the current packages that are strictly redundant might nonetheless be preserved in some form as nice examples of scripting. For example, Claudia Pigini's "clustered_ols". Maybe there should be an "example scripts" area separate from the function package area?

Dear Allin, I think the introduction of an "example scripts" area is a very good idea. We could place it inside the "Tools" menu naming it with something like "Examples and books/articles replications".

Henrique Andrade