Hi All,
I'm posting this again because I don't think it ever showed up on the list.  If this is a repeat, then please forgive me.

I am pleased to officially announce the details of the forthcoming Gretl Conference, which will be held in Oklahoma City from June 20-21.  Visit our conference website:  www.gretlconference.org for more information or http://learneconometrics.com/gretl/GC2013/ for details on the conference and for the official call for papers.  I hope each of our active members of this listserv will consider participating in what promises to be good conference and a good time in OKC.  

To make a presentation, send an abstract to submissions@gretlconference.org by March 15 and your proposal will be evaluated by our scientific committee.  Again, the details and schedule is available at: http://learneconometrics.com/gretl/GC2013/.

Lee Adkins
Professor of Economics
