Dear Allin

Thanks, I just install the CVS for Windows and confirm that the previous error regarding opening files with Chinese names now work fine.

However, another (maybe similiar reasons) problem occurs when I tried to save the session files. This time, I tried english filenames as well as Chinese filenames . Both do not work. The error message says:

.my_session\session.xml: No such file or directory


2009/4/24 Allin Cottrell <>
On Fri, 24 Apr 2009, yinung at Gmail wrote:

> I just tested the CVS (buil on 2009-04-23). It now can open a file with
> Chinese name and under a Chinese subdirectory without errors.
> However, I encounter another error. When I use [File/Open Data] and choose a
> "recently" opened file. An error occurs (both with  Chinese name and under a
> Chinese subdirectory). It reports that
> "Couldn't open file C:/.../coeffs1.gdt"
> (As shown in the attached PDF)
> After several testings, It is obvious the gretl mis-specifies the path when
> there are some Chinese characters in the subdirectory as well in filenames.
> I also found this error only occured when I quit gretl and restart it again.
> That is, I can open and re-open (choosing from recently opened files list)
> the file with Chinese names or under a path with Chinese name without any
> problems if I did not quit gretl.

Thanks for your patience.  I've just put up another snapshot which
may fix this; I'll try to test it myself later today.

I should perhaps explain what's going on with the change in the
file selection dialog in gretl.

Up till recently we've been using a "native" Windows file selector
for gretl on Windows.  This policy dates back to a time when the
GTK file selection dialog was totally different from the Windows
one, and would have been a jarring experience for Windows users.
Nowadays, however, the GTK file selector looks broadly similar to
the Windows one (but has some nice functionality of its own) and I
decided to standardize on using the GTK file dialog for all

Clearly, this has brought some temporary problems with filename
encodings, but hopefully we'll get this sorted out soon.

Allin Cottrell
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