Dear all,

First, I have checked the CSV and confirm that now the kernel works as expected.
Thanks all for the help.
Just to add that the information is plotted reversed (the data generated for the kernel approximation is reversed in the matrix), I attach the file generated.

Thanks a lot

2014-01-28 Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti <>
On Tue, 28 Jan 2014, Leandro Zipitria wrote:

Dear Gretl users,

I am trying to run a kernel approximation to a series of data (attached),
using the command kdensity as show in the manual.

Specifically, the inp is as follows:

matrix d = kdensity(Water)
gnuplot --matrix=d --with-lines --output=pruba.eps

But, once run the output says that the second column has non finite values.
Maybe is because values are integers, but I have checked on Stata (sorry, a
friend of mine, I do not use it), and the kernel density flows without

Is this a problem of the data, or I am doing something wrong?

Well, your data are in fact a bit weird: "Water" really is a discrete variable, with most cases equal to 0 and a few other values in the support. If you set Water as discete, this is what you get from the "freq" command:

Frequency distribution for Water, obs 1-2619

          frequency    rel.     cum.

   0        2190     83.62%   83.62% ******************************
 0.5          15      0.57%   84.19%
 0.6           1      0.04%   84.23%
   1          98      3.74%   87.97% *
 1.1          27      1.03%   89.00%
 1.5         148      5.65%   94.65% **
   2         122      4.66%   99.31% *
 2.2          18      0.69%  100.00%

So this is decidedly not the kind of data you want to compute the kernel
density of.

Having said this, the fact that "kdensity" produces a string of NAs is in fact a bit perplexing, especially considering that if you add some random noise, as in

Water2 = Water + 0.01*normal()

then things work like you'd expect them to. I'll have a look as soon as possible.

  Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
  Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)

  Universitą Politecnica delle Marche
  (formerly known as Universitą di Ancona)

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