That means the precondition of using "hsk" is to test the form of heteroskedasticity if it can be well approximated as a quadratic function of the regressors.

Is there any way of doing that in Gretl?
Yes. Once you estimate the model, perform the White's test from the model window through the Tests -> Hetereskedasticity -> White's test (squares only) menu.

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 5:20 AM, Allin Cottrell <> wrote:
On Mon, 21 Mar 2011, Md. Mohan Uddin wrote:

> (1) In Gretl there is an option "Robust standard error" for correcting for
> heteroskedasticity.
> (2) I can see that there is another option from: Model>other linear
> model>heteroskedasticity corrected... in GUI.
> My question is when can I use (1) ** "Robust standard error" and when** (2)
> **Model>other linear model>heteroskedasticity corrected... for correcting
> for heteroskedasticity.*

Robust standard errors give you a means of inference that is
robust with respect to heteroskedasticity, but the point estimates
are not altered: if the model is estimated via OLS you still get
the OLS coefficients.

The "heteroskedasticity corrected" ("hsk") routine not only
revises the standard errors, but also the point estimates
(coefficients); it does so via weighted least squares.

IF the model is correctly specified and the heteroskedasticity is
of a form that can be well approximated as a quadratic function of
the regressors, the hsk estimator is more efficient than OLS.

Allin Cottrell

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