So I had a thought about this list-serve…
I’ve been subscribed for about a year, and I enjoy reading the posts, though I often don’t find all of them useful. But then, months later, I’ll come across a problem in gretl, and I know it’s been discussed on the mailing list, but I can’t find it. I know the archives are available online, but they’re organized by date instead of topic, so unless I know when something was discussed (or get lucky with a Google search), I’m hosed.
I am also involved with the LaTeX Stackexchange site ( which uses a different model that works very well. As another example, has a stats section on which many people share knowledge about Stata.
I know a lot of you put a lot of time and energy into running this list-serve and responding to questions, so I hope I’m not stepping on any toes, but has anyone ever considered moving this over to a stackexchange format? There’s so much knowledge available here, I just wish it were more accessible! It might help more people use and get involved with gretl.