
When I run the code below for the CARR model, gives the error saying smpl bob ; and does not generate forecasts.
I could not understand why that s happening. 
Though, when I change fixed window with increasing window; i.e. the line "smpl 1+i 1000+i" with "smpl 1 1000+i" it does work.
Does anyone have know why that s happening?

include carr.gfn
open http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/pub/gretldata/2005-CARR.gdt

# --- estimate and forecast ECARR(1,1)
set verbose off
series pointforecast = NA
loop i=1..100 -q
    smpl 1+i 1000+i
fcast 1001+i 1001+i
pointforecast[1001+i] = $fcast 

error in new starting obs
*** error in function carr, line 187
> smpl bob ;
>> carr(R,1,1,null,1)