On 22/04/13 09:37, Antti Erkkison wrote:

Hi, sorry for this e-mail, but I have not found any other way to find this answer.

I am an economics student from Finland that are using Gretl, and finding it useful tool to analyze data.

We were wondering if Gretl had a function for dividing groups into low and high respondents, in other word we want to test a part of a population (in OLS) who have marked the highest scores in a survey. We want to test this against other answers in the same survey, but are in doubt that Gretl understands that person 1 is the same person when we change the order of respondents by sorting them in the dependent value and then setting the range to half of the population . 

I would really appreciate an answer, thank you.

Best regards

Antti Erkkison

You may define a dummy variable that takes value 1 for the individuals who are in a group defined by a restriction. For example,

open data3-11.gdt
high=(SALARY>80) #This defines the variable with value 1 for professors with Salary>80 and 0 for the rest.

#and then you may use graphics as:
plot SALARY high --factorized
gnuplot SALARY YEARS high --dummy

#or use the variable "high" in a regression:
ols SALARY const YEARS high

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