I have tried using the BayTool package with some success (in terms of getting output),
I have read (perhaps not well enough)  the detailed paper by Luca Pedini. However,  I am puzzled why when simply using the linear model with conjugate prior, as a default  I get two sets of  posterior mean parameter and se estimates -NI-post m and I post-m and NI-Pst se and I-post se. . Looking at the graphs of the Gaussian Posterior density estimates, they appear to more closely centred on  the I-pos -mean.  Although the difference s between the N & O posterior estimates is small, what is the basis for selecting one rather than the other?

Second question  - how can I retrieve the fitted values and residuals from theB-Took Package. Hopefully it resides somewhere to be retirieved post estimation. Or is iit necessary to run the input data through the equation to generate it onself -and if so, which set of posterior mean estimates does one use?
I expect these are straightforward issues for a Bayesian -but not for a frequentist.

PS -the BayTool package does not seem to attach permanently to the URL "model" list of options.
Brian J Revell
Professor Emeritus (Agricultural Economics)

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