Hi all,
Is it possible to change (set) the dotdir directory (gretl uses for
temporary files) as it is possible with workdir through the set command?
I don't think so, but why would you want to do that?
Aha. Ok I thought so.
Well, I was getting and i still get an error (or gretl crash) when I run in console or script several gnuplot --fit options.
The problem is not there when i use the gretl plot controls.
open AWM18.gdt
gnuplot YER --time-series --with-lines --fit=quadratic --output=display
I get the error
"C:\Program Files\gretl\wgnuplot.exe" "C:\Users\Venetis\AppData\Roaming\gretl\gpttmp.MI60R0": exit code 1
I erroneously thought that maybe it is not possible for gretl to write the temporary file in my temporary folder in windows.
But on a second check with Gnuplot and the temporary graphics file I found that an odd character appears in gpttmp.MI60R0
(it is bolded by me below). When i manually change the character into s then Gnuplot produces the png file.
# plot includes automatic fit: quadratic
plot \
'-' using 1:2 notitle w lines, \
730331.8313 + 7484.777486*(4.0*(x-1970)+1) + -3.906286399*(4.0*(x-1970)+1)**2 title "Y = 7.30e+005 + 7.48e+003t - 3.91t^2" w lineû