I just tested the CVS (buil on 2009-04-23). It now can open a file with Chinese name and under a Chinese subdirectory without errors.

However, I encounter another error. When I use [File/Open Data] and choose a "recently" opened file. An error occurs (both with  Chinese name and under a Chinese subdirectory). It reports that
"Couldn't open file C:/.../coeffs1.gdt"
(As shown in the attached PDF)

After several testings, It is obvious the gretl mis-specifies the path when there are some Chinese characters in the subdirectory as well in filenames.

I also found this error only occured when I quit gretl and restart it again. That is, I can open and re-open (choosing from recently opened files list) the file with Chinese names or under a path with Chinese name without any problems if I did not quit gretl.

I also attached a debug information as follows (it seems not helpful since there is no further debug output when this kind of error is encountered)


reg: err = 0, 'gretldir' -> 'C:\Program Files\gretl-1.8.0x2\'
reg: err = 0, 'userdir' -> 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents
reg: err = 0, 'updater' -> 'false'
reg: err = 0, 'lcnumeric' -> 'true'
reg: err = 0, 'wimp' -> 'true'
reg: err = 0, 'shellok' -> 'false'
reg: err = 0, 'usecwd' -> 'false'
reg: err = 0, 'langpref' -> '1'
reg: err = 0, 'Rcommand' -> 'RGui.exe'
reg: err = 0, 'latex' -> 'pdflatex.exe'
reg: err = 0, 'viewdvi' -> 'windvi.exe'
reg: err = 0, 'calculator' -> 'calc.exe'
Couldn't read registry path Software\x12arima
Couldn't read registry path Software\x12arima
reg: err = 1, 'x12a' -> ''
Couldn't read registry path Software\tramo
Couldn't read registry path Software\tramo
reg: err = 1, 'tramo' -> ''
reg: err = 0, 'binbase' -> 'C:\Program Files\gretl-1.8.0x2\db\'
reg: err = 0, 'ratsbase' -> 'f:\'
reg: err = 0, 'dbhost' -> 'ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu'
reg: err = 0, 'dbproxy' -> ''
reg: err = 0, 'useproxy' -> 'false'
reg: err = 0, 'Fixed_font' -> 'NSimSun 10'
reg: err = 0, 'App_font' -> 'tahoma 8'
reg: err = 0, 'DataPage' -> 'Gretl'
reg: err = 0, 'ScriptPage' -> 'Gretl'
reg: err = 0, 'Png_font' -> 'NSimSun 10'
reg: err = 0, 'Gp_colors' -> ''
reg: err = 0, 'tabwidth' -> '4'
reg: err = 0, 'smarttab' -> 'true'
reg: err = 0, 'main_width' -> '580'
reg: err = 0, 'main_height' -> '420'
reg: err = 0, 'main_x' -> '110'
reg: err = 0, 'main_y' -> '145'
reg: err = 0, 'HC_by_default' -> 'false'
reg: err = 0, 'HC_xsect' -> 'HC1'
reg: err = 0, 'HC_tseri' -> 'HAC'
reg: err = 0, 'HC_panel' -> 'Arellano'
reg: err = 0, 'HC_garch' -> 'QML'
reg: err = 0, 'manpref' -> '0'
using given filename, fp = 77C2FD20
using given filename, fp = 77C2FD20
using given filename, fp = 00000000
using given filename, fp = 00000000
using given filename, fp = 77C2FD20
using given filename, fp = 77C2FD20
using given filename, fp = 00000000
using given filename, fp = 00000000
using given filename, fp = 77C2FD20
using given filename, fp = 77C2FD20
using given filename, fp = 00000000
using given filename, fp = 00000000
using given filename, fp = 00000000
using given filename, fp = 00000000

2009/4/24 Allin Cottrell <cottrell@wfu.edu>
On Fri, 24 Apr 2009, yinung at Gmail wrote:

> However, I found this new interface through [File/Open data/User file]
> caused an error:
> "No such file or directory"

Second try: I hope this should be fixed now.

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