Hi again,
Found a solution. Seems you have to specifically specify that the
forecast functions are C (when compiling with a C++ compiler). Added
this to the top of my file:
extern "C"
void free_fit_resid (FITRESID *fr);
FITRESID *get_fit_resid (const MODEL *pmod, const
DATASET *dset, int *err);
FITRESID *get_forecast (MODEL *pmod, int t1, int t2,
int pre_n, DATASET *dset, gretlopt opt, int *err);
FITRESID *get_system_forecast (void *p, int ci, int i,
int t1, int t2, int pre_n, DATASET *dset, gretlopt opt, int
int do_forecast (const char *str, DATASET *dset,
gretlopt opt, PRN *prn);
void forecast_options_for_model (MODEL *pmod, const
DATASET *dset, int *flags, int *dt2max, int *st2max);
gretl_matrix *get_forecast_matrix (int idx, int *err);
FITRESID *rolling_OLS_k_step_fcast (MODEL *pmod,
DATASET *dset, int t1, int t2, int k, int pre_n, int *err);
void fcast_get_continuous_range (const FITRESID *fr,
int *pt1, int *pt2);
void forecast_matrix_cleanup (void);
#include <forecast.h>
On 2014/03/29 10:28 AM, GOO Creations
I'm trying to estimate the parameters for an ARMA model and then
forecast the next value. I've linked the library (libgretl-1.0) to
my program and am able to create datasets and estimate the ARMA
model. I'm however unable to use the forecast code.
I've noticed that forecast.h is not included in libgretl.h, which
seems strange. So I manually added forecast.h to my program. I now
get undefined references to all the functions in
forecast.h. So I assume the forecast functionality is not part of
the libgretl-1.0 library. Which library should I link to, to make
use of this functionality? I've tried linking all the libs in
/usr/lib/gretl-gtk2, but that didn't help either.
Any help would be appreciated