Bestyum install 'tex(appendix.sty)'Ḧi,I think you can just install the missing package. In Fedora you can do (as root):I think the same could be in debian...As far as I know, there is no need to run texhash afterwards
Leandro2014-04-30 12:48 GMT-03:00 <>:On configuring CVS gretl on Debian/Jessie
(on system with only texlive packages from Gretl dependencies)I got configure error messageLaTeX Error: File `appendix.sty' not foundTo fix this problem have installed texlive-latex-extra (very large)from Debian repositoriesbecause it seems there is no separate appendix package as debat the repo.So, small corrections are to be made to "gretl dependencies"I have compiled .deb file from prm (attached)May be, someone who does'nt want to install whole texlive-latex-extrawould test it on other pc?It is reasonable, I think, to make similar package downloadablefrom gretl site (may be this one if it will prove working)!
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