Hi, Javier

Why  it is so important to do it gretl script window?
It seems, {options} are for single gnuplot command.
But native gnupott require
set multiplot
unset multiplot
It seems, there is nowhere to put in unset multiplot

At the other hand all you have to do is run
scatters BE_1_10_11 BE_1_10_12 BE_1_10_13 --with-lines --output=display
save graph to the icon view 
right-click ->Edit plot commands
Than insert 
set terminal what_format_yoy_want
set output 'filename'
set terminal postscript enhanced color
set output '| ps2pdf - /home/pleg/plot.pdf' #change path

change set multiplot layout 2,2 for  change set multiplot layout 3,1
and run
the result attached
--- Оригінальне повідомлення ---
Від кого: "Javier Sansa" <javiersansa@gmail.com>
Дата: 12 травня 2014, 00:37:39

there has been a change since yesterday. I eliminated the blank space after set autoscale and now I get a graphic that covers 1/3 of the available surface. See attached pdf file, but I still cannot find the right syntax.

I have tried

gnuplot {set multiplot layout 3,1 rowsfirst downwards; set autoscale ;  set title 'AA';} BE_1_10_11  BE_1_10_12  BE_1_10_13 --time-series --with-lines
gnuplot BE_1_10_12  BE_1_10_13 --time-series --with-lines  \
gnuplot BE_1_10_11  --time-series --with-lines --output=display \ 

(thie idea is to get three different charts. the first one with three series, the cescond one, with two, and the last one with just a single series, and I get the following error message:

? gnuplot {set multiplot layout 3,1 rowsfirst downwards; set autoscale ;  set \
  title 'AA';} BE_1_10_11  BE_1_10_12  BE_1_10_13 --time-series --with-lines
Command has insufficient arguments
Error executing script: halting

while if I try

gnuplot BE_1_10_11  BE_1_10_12  BE_1_10_13 --time-series --with-lines {set multiplot layout 3,1 rowsfirst downwards; set autoscale ;  set title 'AA';}
gnuplot BE_1_10_12  BE_1_10_13 --time-series --with-lines  \
gnuplot BE_1_10_11  --time-series --with-lines --output=display \ 

the message I get is:

? gnuplot BE_1_10_11  BE_1_10_12  BE_1_10_13 --time-series --with-lines {set \
  multiplot layout 3,1 rowsfirst downwards; set autoscale ;  set title 'AA';}
wrote /home/pc-1/gretl/gpttmp06.plt
? gnuplot BE_1_10_12 BE_1_10_13 --time-series --with-lines gnuplot BE_1_10_11 \
  --time-series --with-lines --output=display 
'gnuplot' is not the name of a variable

Error executing script: halting

What I think I am missing is the right way to sed the second and third charts to their positions.

Thanks for your intere4st,


On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 1:21 PM, Sven Schreiber <svetosch@gmx.net> wrote:
Am 10.05.2014 23:59, schrieb Javier Sansa:

> gnuplot BE_1_10_11  BE_1_10_12  BE_1_10_13 --time-series --with-lines
> --output=display \
>  { set multiplot layout 3,1 rowsfirst downwards; set autoscale ;  set
> title 'AA'; }
> It works till i get to lhe last command.

It would be helpful to see the error message or what exactly does not
work here.


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