Dear Riccardo,
Thank you!
I really neglected filter() up to the moment!

Dear Artur,
After Riccardo's note we are simply
bounded to make something  interesting.

P.S. May I make use this opportunity
and ask Riccardo a somewhat silly
With the file you sent me I failed to
reproduce Table 17.8 in Greene, 7-th,
case Logit F.E.(C)^b, using felogit
It should be the same Chamberlain’s

2 січня 2016, 18:49:59, від "Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti" <>:

On Fri, 1 Jan 2016, wrote:

> I think it's a good idea You can download it at 
> I'm not 
> sure, it seems less general but more easy to use It's intended mostly 
> for intermediate level courses Also I almost  finished functions for 
> automated mean and median lags computing Oleh
> 1 січня 2016, 13:39:01, від "Artur Tarassow" < >:
> Actually the dynMultipl-Package needs some revision. I already started 
> to update the package and hopefully will upload it soon.

None of my business, really, but if you two guys could cooperate for 
putting together a nice package for ARDL/ECM, that would be _very_ nice.

By the way: I've noticed that people tend to overlook the filter() 
function, which can do amazing things for you ;-)

open AWM --quiet

series y = ln(YER)
series c = ln(PCR)
series w = ln(WLN/PCD)

ols c const time y(0 to -4) w(0 to -2) c(-1 to -2)

ycoef = $coeff[3:7]
wcoef = $coeff[8:10]
ARcoef = $coeff[11:12]

scalar horizon = 20
matrix shock = ones(horizon + 1, 2)
shock[2:,1] = 0
multy = filter(shock, ycoef, ARcoef)
multw = filter(shock, wcoef, ARcoef)

sim_y = quantile(filter(1 | mnormal(horizon, 1000), ycoef, ARcoef)', 0.5)'

print multy multw sim_y

I'm sure you two guys need no pedantic explanation of the above

   Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
   Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)

   Università Politecnica delle Marche
   (formerly known as Università di Ancona)
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