2. The manual states that in boxplot diagrams, ``the `whiskers' extend to the minimum and maximum values''. However, if so, there would be no outliers! I checked the source code and found an implementation of whiskers: uq and lq stand for quartiles, then the interquartile range is defined as d: double d = limit * (plt->uq - plt->lq); double xlo = plt->lq - d; double xhi = plt->uq + d. By default, the limit is 1.5. Is this a misprint in the manual? Maybe it should be changed to the lines from the gnuplot manual, which says, “by default
the whiskers extend from each end of the box for a range equal to 1.5 times
the interquartile range?”
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
---Andreï Victorovitch Kostyrka---
Department of Mathematical Economics and Econometrics
Higher School of Economics
Moscow, Russia