Em 6 de março de 2010 Allin Cottrell <cottrell@wfu.edu> escreveu:

On Sat, 6 Mar 2010, Henrique Andrade wrote:

> When I try to open a excel file (.xls) the following error message appears:
> "First char of varname (0x0) is bad
> (first must be alphabetical)
> Please rename this variable and try again"

Apparently there's a NUL byte (0x0) in this XLS file where we're
expecting a variable name to start. Try exporting to CSV and
importing the CSV into gretl.

I did this and it worked fine.
If you'd like to send me the XLS file I'll take a look.

Ok, I'll send the file (try the second tab in Excel file).

Thanks for your help!
