Hi All,


I have never used Hansl or Gauss before and I am trying to work out how to get a programme working to create a matrix of spearman correlations.  Allin created one last month, which I tried to run and kept getting ‘No redo information available’.  Rather than coming running and asking for help I went to Chat GPT asked it what it meant which has gone over my head. I also asked it to decrible each line of the programme as I’ve done some programming decades ago.  So I asked Chat gpt to create me a programme which is very similar to Allin’s but with my filename in and variable names in. I get the same error.  I’m wondering if someone could direct me into what I should be doing.  My data file is Panel2.gdt and I have four variable ROE, ENV,SOC and GOV.  It is a panel datafile which is already set up as panel data.  The programme from ChatGPT is the following.  Please can someone be helpful to a novice I’m sure there is something very simple that I don’t know what to do.


// Function to calculate Spearman correlations and p-values for a list of variables

function matrix spearman_matrix(list variables)

    matrix SC = {};

    strings rnames = array(0);

    n = nelem(variables);


    loop i = 1..n

        loop j = 1..i-1

            // Calculate Spearman correlation and p-value

            SC |= npcorr(variables[j], variables[i], spearman);

            // Construct row names

            rnames += sprintf("%s_%s", varname(variables[j]), varname(variables[i]));




    // Set column names

    cnameset(SC, defarray("Spearman", "t-stat", "p-value"));

    // Set row names

    rnameset(SC, rnames);


    return SC;

end function;


// Open your dataset

open panel2.gdt;


// Specify the variables of interest

list variables = deflist("ROE", "ENV", "SOC", "GOV");


// Calculate Spearman correlations and p-values

matrix SC_matrix = spearman_matrix(variables);


// Print the resulting matrix

print SC_matrix;



Thank you for any help





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