When I run this script in my desktop for 200.000 loops (modifying 3th line), it always crashes. I suppose that´s a problem of memory enough cause in laptop it runs ok 1.000.000 loops, and Manny´s question seems a problem of graphics specification but Gretl never crashes until I install all the Function Files from server. The installation of some function file could affect the graphics behaviour of Model menu option? Sorry if it´s a stupid idea.
The script was:
... but please don´t waste your time in solve my problem. Don´t worthwhile. And yes!, you can laugh if you want, :-D :-D :-D (suppose it could be done in a more efficient manner)... Maybe if I learn someday how hansl can be used and their commands power.
P.D. Oh! Can I contribute to Gretl translation? Who can I send a translation when I finished it?
I have 1/3 of gretl.po translated to galician (the 3th spanish 'cooficial' language like basque and catalan).
Sorry for my English, I guarantee my galician is a little better.
Ignacio Díaz-Emparanza Zuzendaria/Director ignacio.diaz-emparanza@ehu.es 94 6013732 |
ERNE! Baliteke mezu honen
zatiren bat edo mezu osoa legez babestuta egotea. Mezuak
badu bere hartzailea. Okerreko helbidera heldu bada
(helbidea gaizki idatzi, transmisioak huts egin) eman
abisu igorleari, korreo honi erantzunda. Kontuz! Mezua ez
bada zuretzat, ez erabili, ez zabaldu beste inori, ez
kopiatu eta ez baliatu. ¡ATENCIÓN! Este mensaje contiene información privilegiada o confidencial a la que sólo tiene derecho a acceder el destinatario. Si usted lo recibe por error le agradeceríamos que no hiciera uso de la información y que se pusiese en contacto con el remitente.