If you make the substitutions
Y3 = Y- X3
X13 = X1-X3
X23 = X2-X3
and run the regression of Y3 on X13, X23 and other variables you get confidence intervals for the coefficients on X1 and X2. You can then estimate the coeficient on X3 as 1-X1-X2 and can estimate its standard error manually. Alternatively you could make a second transformation
Y1 = Y - X1
X21 = X2 - X1
X31 = X3-X1
and run a similar regression and get the same answers as previously but without any calculations
Please forgive this notation which is using for coefficients and variables. I hope that it does not cause confusion
The problem is that I have more than one restriction (and not very easy to implement). Besides, if I have for example X1, X2 and X3 and I want to introduce the restriction X1+X2+X3=1 then, how I can recover the coeffcient/s that doesn't appear in the restricted model??? I would have to obtain them "manually"...BestJavi
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