Well, if you want to talk in languages other than english, please do it off-list. Please do not make us trying to translate what you write.

About the translation of gretl, I may try to help you to edit the ru.po file, but you should have an official translator for it (one of you if no one else). There are also some untranslated text. For the words you agreed to change do you want me to edit them?

This kind of conversation should go to gretl-development list, I recommend to subscribe to it.


On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 3:00 PM, <oleg_komashko@ukr.net> wrote:

I'm agree with  “межквартильный размах” for iq range
Абсолютно согласен. Бройш прислас супер историю: на самом деле он Бруш, но на конферециях 
все назвали его "Бройш", читая фамилию по-немецки. В конце концов он плюнул и стал "дома Бруш, а на работе - Бройш".