Dear all,

Thanks for the help.The point is, the latest FRED data available via the gretl server shows status 'not up to date', and any attempt to update it by right clicking the series and choosing 'install' is met with failure.And if I try to update the data series by downloading FRED data in csv format by visiting the site itself, how do I incorporate the changes in the existing server database? I already tried the API key route, but as I am not at all conversant with C programming and compilation of programs, I did not succeed.Any other way will be very welcome.

Thanks and Regards
Samrat Sanyal

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 7:04 PM, Allin Cottrell <> wrote:
On Wed, 1 Dec 2010, Sven Schreiber wrote:

> could you explain what you mean by "updating"? When I choose
> Data->Databse->on server I get a list of databases that includes
> "fedstl", which I would think has the Fred data.

I presume Samrat means, how to update the fedstl series beyond
what happens to be the latest available via the gretl server.

This is possible, but a little tricky. There is an updater program
in the "utils" subdirectory of the gretl source package. To work
with this you need a C compiler, to build the program, and you
also need to get an "API key" from the St Louis fed:

The alternatie to rebuilding the full database is just to visit
the FRED system online ( )
and download the specific series you need. You can get these as
CSV (and also Excel format?).

Allin Cottrell

Gretl-users mailing list

Thanks and Regards,
Samrat Sanyal