
Thank you very much for your answer. It works perfectly too.

El sáb, 5 ago 2023 a las 4:37, Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti (<p002264@staff.univpm.it>) escribió:
On 04/08/2023 20:24, Josué Martínez-Castillo wrote:
> Thank you both, Artur and sven. Both approaches were very helpful. I
> finally used:
>> _ _
>> # mymatrix: column1 = income, column2 = frequency
>> matrix mymatrix = {35, 5; 120, 5; 150, 0; 320, 6; 400, 5}
>> matrix result = {}
>> loop i=1..5
>>    result |= mshape(mymatrix[i,1], mymatrix[i,2], 1)
>> endloop
>> print mymatrix result
>> _ _
The best generalisation I could find to the 2-way (xtab) case is as follows:

set seed 1234567

nr = 3
nc = 2

### xtab case

xt = mrandgen(i, 0, 6, nr, nc)
tot = nr * nc
result = zeros(sum(xt), 2)
fin = 0
loop j = 1 .. nc
     loop i = 1 .. nr
         x = xt[i,j]
         if x > 0
             ini = fin+1
             fin += x
             result[ini:fin,] = mshape({i,j}, 2, x)'

print xt result

On the other hand, Sven's remark made me think that sometimes you might
want to compute all possible indices of a arbitrarily-sized tensor. Once
you have those, you can use them in a single loop without having to nest

The function is:

function matrix indices(matrix dims)

     n = nelem(dims)
     if n == 0
         ret = {}
     elif n == 1
         ret = seq(1, dims[1])'
         matrix a = indices(dims[-1])
         scalar d = dims[1]
         scalar m = rows(a)
         b = vec(mshape(seq(1,d), d, m)')
         a = ones(d,1) ** a
         ret = b ~ a

     return ret
end function

So for example, you can create X = indices({2,3}), which would yield

   1   1
   1   2
   1   3
   2   1
   2   2
   2   3

and loop over the rows of X instead of a nested loop construct such as

loop i = 1 .. 2
     loop j = 1 .. 3
     # do things

The nice thing is, the number of elements in the argument to the
"indices" function is potentially unlimited. For example,
indices({3,2,3}) returns

   1   1   1
   1   1   2
   1   1   3
   1   2   1
   1   2   2
   1   2   3
   2   1   1
   2   1   2
   2   1   3
   2   2   1
   2   2   2
   2   2   3
   3   1   1
   3   1   2
   3   1   3
   3   2   1
   3   2   2
   3   2   3

Maybe we could add this to the extra addon?

   Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti
   Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Sociali (DiSES)

   Università Politecnica delle Marche
   (formerly known as Università di Ancona)

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