Hi everyone. Wish you all a Happy 2024, first of all.

I wonder if there is a way to make gretl work with more decimal digits. I think I am having a rounding error problem.
I was getting divergent $coeff so I ran against other calculations OLS vs matrix solutions in gretl - against some book examples


GRETL output:

? mX
mX (4 x 2) [t1 = 101, t2 = 104]

     0,83732      -1,2049 
      1,4338     -0,22646 
    -0,58424       1,5486 
     -1,7969      0,57819 

? f
-3,92 5,43 -5,94 13,52
? B   == mX' * mX
B (2 x 2)

      6,3271      -3,2773 
     -3,2773       4,2355 

? T    == B' * f
T (2 x 1)


? B^-1
     0,26377      0,20409 
     0,20409      0,39402 

? result
result (2 x 1)   == B^-1 * T


Now against the "benchmark' :

B =
6.327065 -3.277288
-3.277288 4.235533

T =

B^-1 =
0.263767 0.204092
0.204092 0.394016

result =