I also failed with the last script
Instead, this is working:

string line

scalar i = 1

loop while getline(D, line) 

    sprintf s "%d", i

    setinfo @s --description="@line"


The first situation seems to be system dependent
On Ubuntu 15.10 script go ok.
GUI crushes
On XP it works OK with GUI with a single variable,
when I selected more than one, the
menu item became inactive


5 січня 2016, 13:01:04, від "cociuba mihai" <cociuba@gmail.com>:

"Can you reproduce the issue with a smaller dataset (fewer rows/columns)?"
I've tried with a smaller dataset and everything seems to be ok.
It's weird that the summary command in hansl is working perfectly on the big data while the GUI force close.


On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 5:31 AM, cociuba mihai <cociuba@gmail.com> wrote:
I've attached the dataset, the script that I use in order to import the data and also the log, Gretl is build from sources (git, date of build 29.12.2015) and running on a Ubuntu 14.04.

Steps to reproduce the error:
-import the dataset, run 
set skip_missing off
open "bazaextinsabankscopeFINAL.xls" --sheet=1 --coloffset=5 --quiet
matrix M={dataset}
#print M
# hello gretl, this is a panel! unde N este periodicitatea
scalar C=cols(M)
scalar R=rows(M)
scalar N=R/9
print C R N
setobs N 1.1 --stacked-cross-section
series year = time + 2004
#no error#
< end hansl>
But when using the Summary option from the GUI menu gretl exits with the error "core dumped"
The same dataset in R is working without any error (tested only the same summary command).

Also when trying to run the script from http://lists.wfu.edu/pipermail/gretl-users/2014-January/009553.html in order to set the description to the variables I receive the following error:
? string line
? scalar i = 1
Generated scalar i = 1
? loop while getline(D, line) -q
> setinfo i --description="@line"
> i++
> endloop
Command has insufficient arguments
>> setinfo i --description="@line"
Any ideas of what seems to be problem?

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