Ok, I will try to estimate the SVAR with x_1 as exogenous, I am also quite sure that the SVAR package allows it. But I am getting a little but confused!
Actually I am trying to follow a paper where the authors do this exercise, they have
Yt=(y1, y2, y3).
They shock y1, and they check the effects on y2 and y3. As for y3, they say that there is a direct effect, and an indirect effect (via y2). To isolate these 2 effects, what they do is:
"to restrict the coefficients of the underlying VAR in such a way as to force the response of y2 to a shock in y1 to be zero [...] we postulate a different (restricted) economic structure, i.e. y2 is structurally not allowed to respond to y1 and y3 shocks [...]. A necessary condition is to set the impact reaction =0. This plus restricting the AR coefficients on lagged y1 and y3 in the y2 equation will be sufficient for imposing that y2 does not react to a y1 shock at any horizon"
It seems that your first suggestion was the way to replicate what they do, isn't it? But I don't know how to do it in gretl!